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Category: Tough Questions

Faithful Stewards

Faithful Stewards

There are many people in our lives with whom we become acquainted. However, one must be cautious that those we spend the most time with have a true knowledge of Jesus and a love for God’s Word. We are to understand that words alone do not make one a child of God.

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

One cannot fully explain just who Jesus is in a brief summary. However, the Bible tells who Jesus is from the beginning through to the end. Nevertheless, for a brief sampling, read the following verses.

A Living Sacrifice

A Living Sacrifice

A Christian must learn how to live as a Christian.
Paul encouraged people who had given their hearts and lives to Jesus, Christians, to understand the importance of living a life in a pleasing manner. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1). What does this mean?

The Door

The Door

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

Something has happened in my lifetime. When I was a young person growing up in church, everything was about Jesus.

Your Adversary

Your Adversary

Remember what every Christian should have already learned about Satan: when he became proud, wanting to be greater than God, he became God’s enemy (see Isaiah 14:12-16).

Day of the Lord

Day of the Lord

The book of Joel tells of the Day of the Lord (see Joel 2:1-3). Many believe that this book is the key to understanding much of prophecy concerning the coming day mentioned by Jesus to His disciples before He left them on earth (see Matthew 24). A day that has not yet come.

Great Strength

Great Strength

Have you ever been afraid of doing something? Perhaps you were afraid of going to a new place or job, a terrible storm, or maybe just telling someone about Jesus. It would be good to understand that when Christians walk with God in the ways the Bible teaches, God will be with us. We should not be afraid of anything.

The Accounting

The Accounting

There were times in the Old Testament that we saw God warn a people that he would send complete and utter destruction upon them because they were against God’s people and because of their wickedness (remember Nineveh in the book of Nahum). They saw complete physical destruction.

Examples for Believers

Examples for Believers

“Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12
We can remember back to some of Jesus’ Disciples. They recorded for us their eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life. They understood the importance of just who Jesus is. They realized the importance of recording the life of Jesus.

How to Apply God’s Word

How to Apply God’s Word

A Christian is to understand that God’s Word is the Bible. Christians have Bibles and know they are important to have, but one cannot forget the importance of knowing what the Bible says. It was written for Christians. It is imperative that every Christian learn how to use the Bible correctly. In order to realize the best way to apply God’s Word, one must first know it.

The Just Shall Live by Faith

The Just Shall Live by Faith

“For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17

Have you ever been afraid?
One cannot help but remember back to an event that took place in the Bible. Jesus had been going about preaching and healing many.

Be Still

Be Still

There is much fear in the world today. I have never known a time when so many people are afraid of almost everything. Today is a day of uncertainty. One hears of earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, illnesses, the downfall of the economy, rumors of wars, and so many other things of which to be afraid.
Why should one not be afraid?

A Death Sentence

A Death Sentence

Naaman healed of leprosy is a very familiar event that happened in the Old Testament. In Bible times, leprosy was much like a death sentence. There was no known cure. However, have you ever considered a great lesson that can be understood from this event?

Why Not to be Afraid

Why Not to be Afraid

There should be a definite contrast in the hearts and lives of Christians compared with those who have not yet believed in Jesus. Christians have a great confidence (a hope) as we live in this lost world. On the other hand, the lost (those apart from Christ) may be fearful as they live in this world. What makes the difference?

Know God’s Way

Know God’s Way

Have you ever wondered what God has for your life, or how to find out?
What is the most important thing a Christian can do?
The most important thing a Christian can do is to know God’s Word.

Be Crucified with Christ

Be Crucified with Christ

Saul was the first king of Israel. He looked (physically) like a good king. However, his true nature was soon revealed. The most devastating thing that happened with King Saul was that he chose to do what he wanted to do instead of obeying God’s Word.

The Mystery of All Times

The Mystery of All Times

At some point in one’s life, a person become cognizant that there is something off – that they may be a good person, but that it isn’t enough in the grand scheme of things. They begin to recognize sin.

A Warning

A Warning

One cannot help but remember a very strange event that happened in the Old Testament. There was a man of God sent to King Jeroboam to warn him not to practice the false religion that he was establishing.

Strait is the Gate, and Narrow is the Way

Strait is the Gate, and Narrow is the Way

Jesus taught what many call “The Sermon on the Mount.” In that sermon He taught the character qualities of the kingdom He would establish. The things He taught the people were many practical ways to live. As He came toward the end of this sermon, He presented a choice. Jesus always gives each person a choice that must be made. No one else can make that choice. However, Jesus encouraged the right choice. “13. Enter ye in at the strait…

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Results of a Troubling Dream

Results of a Troubling Dream

Have you ever had a troubling dream? Did you wonder just what it meant and why it disturbed you so? Often times in this world there is so much going on, one does not have a moment of peace or quiet to think. One is relegated to the time between sleep and the waking hours to ponder life. Even then, many are plagued by the “to do’s” for tomorrow. It is then that God may intervene with a troubling dream….

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